Don’t forget to schedule an AC maintenance in Wolcott, CT at least once a year. Although you might not notice a significant decline in efficiency the first time that you forget, the effect will become much more significant with time and with older units. Regular service keeps the AC in pristine condition so that it runs smoothly and efficiently throughout the summer. Our HAVC technicians will inspect all components and parts, recalibrate the thermostat, lubricate all moving parts, clean all surfaces and tighten all loose screws and bolts.

You can technically schedule an AC tune-up at any time. It doesn’t matter too much. However, if you want to get the most bang for your buck, the most ideal time would be during early summer. You want to get the service done as close to the hotter months as possible. If you get the AC serviced too soon, there will be plenty of time between the service and when you need the AC for the AC to break down or to collect dust. If you wait too long, your AC won’t be fully serviced by the time that you need it.